Course Content

The following page is dedicated to the course content of food safety and food handling courses throughout Canada. Candidates registered in food safety and food safe courses throughout Canada will learn a variety of different material and skills. All food safety and food handling courses in Canada offer almost the exact same content.

Course Outline of food safety and food handling

The following is a course outline of what candidates can expect to learn in a food safety course in Canada:

  • Difference between beneficial and disease-causing microbiological-organisms
  • How harmful pathogens can cause illnesses and food poisoning
  • What environments promote bacterial growth
  • Methods for controlling and preventing the transmission of pathogens
  • Causes and sources of biological, chemical and physical foodborne illness
  • Treatment and recognition of staff and customers with allergens
  • Safe receiving and food storing practises and methods of rejecting and recognizing food.
  • Safe treatment and storage of different classes of foods and chemicals
  • Safe manual handling and safe storing techniques
  • How to take precautionary steps when preparing potentially hazardous and less hazardous foods
  • Identify the effects of temperature and time for cooking, hot holding, freezing, thawing,  reheating and cooling food and how it relates to environments that promote bacterial growth.
  • Preventative measures to reduce contamination when preparing, freezing, thawing, heating and re-heating foods.
  • Potential sources of contamination through contact with water, contact with skin, microbes, utensils and other equipment during preparation (Cross contamination)
  • Methods for protecting food from contamination and cross contamination (example: washing hands and wearing gloves)
  • Safety guidelines and precautions when using knives and operating equipment
  • Safe and preventative techniques when working with hot materials and surfaces
  • Proper personal hygiene techniques in the workplace.
  • Sanitary practices in the serving and dispensing of food, clearing and setting tables and after wash-room use.
  • Effective and safe techniques for carrying and serving food.
  • Techniques to prevent slips and trips
  • Illness, infection and injury prevention in the workplace.
  • Processes for handling a food-borne illness complaint
  • Effective sanitary procedures when clearing and cleaning tables
  • Correct temperatures and safe procedures for manual and mechanical dish washing
  • Correct storage procedures for sanitized dish-ware
  • Precautions to be taken when discarding waste material


The above listed topics are typical topics and material covered in the average food safety or food handling course in Canada. Candidates can receiving this information in food safe and food handling manual written in several languages. For more information or registration select your required food safety or food handling course from the main or side menu.