Food Handling Courses Are Imperative For Healthy Living

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It is very vital for people who sell or serve food to learn that there are some harmful bacteria existing in the water or soil. This can come in contact with the food products that are being served. Contaminated foods that are handled and eaten may result in fatal infections through food borne disease. Hence, it is extremely essential to have thorough knowledge of handling food by undergoing food handling courses like:

·         ServSafe
·         HACCP

Servsafe is a certified course offered to employees and managers engaged in the business of food handling. They gain knowledge via the course about food borne diseases and their prevention through studying sanitation. The managers learn about the importance of personal hygiene and how every employee can contribute in handling food safely.

Training & Certification of HACCP Standards

This Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point is a method that comprises seven principles. These are found in the course for food safety that is related to handling food. Every food business in the US should follow a safety system for selling or serving food. Insurance firms, top employers and enforcement agencies recognize these courses. The principle topics that are imparted through this course involve:

·         Checking and record keeping
·         corrective actions
·         monitoring
·         critical limits
·         hazard analysis
·         food defense

In order to get certified, the student undertaking the course should certainly complete it by achieving a minimum grade of seventy percent in the final examination. This will help him to achieve all the tasks related to food safety in a food selling enterprise.

Importance of Food Safety classes

Learning through food safety classes will enable a person engaged in the business of preparation of food to handle it safely. These classes are designed in the form of short duration self-guided training so that it is possible for the student to gain adequate knowledge of public health. Through these classes, one can prevent the spread of illness among people owing to food contamination. The training class consists of six important interactive sections of nearly one and a half hours duration. The topics are:

·         Cleaning Up
·         Cooking Food
·         Preparing Food
·         Storing Food
·         Buying Food
·         Food Safety
·         Test Your Knowledge

Through test your knowledge, the participants have to take the multiple choice quiz program after completing the other sections of study.

A complete training program on food safety conducted for food service industry is the food safe course. There are two levels of study in this course. Food Handling Courses Are Imperative For Healthy LivingThe level one class imparts knowledge on sanitation and work safety as well as in food handling. These are designed for daily wage workers and dish washers, bus-persons, servers and cooks. Information on safety of workers and safety of food are dealt with in these classes. Cleaning and sanitizing, serving food, preparing food, receiving and storing food, and food borne illness are also covered.

The level two of this course is especially meant for executive chefs, managers, kitchen managers and food-service owners who are in charge of safety of food in large food service business centers. The food safety classes are designed in managing food safety and also in writing a plan concerning the safety of food.

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