Food Handling Training and the Safety Certification

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Many people fall ill only because of one reason and that is

unhygienic eating and living. A study concluded that out of every hundred people, ninety five are proven to have fallen ill because of bad living and eating conditions. Another long effect of living in unhygienic conditions is premature ageing. People have started ageing at the age of twenty eight if they live in surroundings which have germs, garbage spill here and there and improper sanitary conditions. It is an irony that many of the best food stalls are located near an open sewage line or a garbage can. If we go by the level of contamination on these very tasty food items we will find that we are only eating germs which are tasty to our tongue. The food items such as paani puri are quite delicious but contain the maximum amount of bacteria and harmful viruses.

The food safety classes or the food handling training given comprises of theory as well as practical. The course is full of science and methods by which foods can be handled safely and kept away from contamination. The food safety can be taken care off by following these basic steps:

  1. Clean: Always clean the food items before cooking. Remove the dust and dirt present on them. Wash them properly and then use them for cooking.
  2. Use clean utensils: Make it a point to use cleaned and sanitized utensils. Wash them or wipe them again if they are kept after cleaning.
  3. Detection and removal: The foremost functions of people are to prevent harmful impurities which can become a health hazard. The food items should be chemically tested and verified to view any presence of toxic elements. The results of these tests should then be cross checked with prevailing rates and levels and given verdict upon their being healthy or unhealthy.
  4. Maintain hygienic conditions: Hygienic conditions are a must and everyone should forcefully maintain it. It should be on the priority list of people to maintain hygiene and cleanliness. They should prohibit from eating food which is located near a contamination source that is, open sewage line, trash can wither filled or empty, place where garbage is strewn.
  5. Storage conditions: People should also focus on maintaining hygienic storage and warehousing conditions. It is often seen that contamination levels are quite high in warehouses or storage units. When asked a warehousing service provider on the sanitation and cleanliness in and around the warehouse, he was tight lipped and did not utter a word. He knew that the safety conditions for food that he provides are not up to the mark. So it should be made mandatory for him to go through a food safety certification before taking up a job. In our country much of food grains and vegetable spoil and get wasted because of improper and inadequate storage conditions.

Food Handling Training and the Safety CertificationWe as a society move away from cleanliness as it requires a lot of hard work and money. When we all should go after the cleanliness spree we think it as someone else’s job and that puts everyone either in hospital or in beds with various types of illnesses. In our country out of every ten, nine get ill because of bad and unhygienic eating habits. Beware and stay healthy because we have a great amount of responsibilities to take care off. So let’s start healthy habits from food and get food handling training.

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