Lethbridge Food Safety Certification

Lethbridge First Aid is one of the best sources of Lethbridge Food Safety Certification and training in Lethbridge, Alberta. We offer variety of first aid and food safety courses at the most affordable rates. We are open to food service workers and even students seeking food safety and sanitation training. Certificates are given to all trainees who complete their enrolled training course, with no expiry. Refresher courses are similarly offered at our provider.

Enrolling our training courses

Enrollment is pretty easy. The most popular choice is through the Lethbridge First Aid website. You will find an enrollment form which serves as your sign up sheet (available 24/7). All requests sent through the online form will be processed during regular operating hours. The same goes for any requests made through e-mail. We highly encourage students to call or visit us in person, during business hours.

An overview of the curriculum for Lethbridge Food Safety Certification

Food safety is focused on one main goal – the decrease of foodborne illness incidence cases. In Alberta, there is a public health act that requires all food establishments in Alberta to have employees trained in food safety. The act stipulates that one trained supervisor should be present when there are more than five employees working during a shift. Any less than that, and one trained employee (supervisor or not) is enough. This ensures that the products served or sold by the establishment are safe for consumption.

Safe food handling training involves proper hand washing, general infection control, causes of foodborne illness, and sanitation of workplace and raw products. A trained employee is equipped to provide safe food handling and maintain the sanitation of the working environment.

Getting a certificate and update with Lethbridge Food Safety Certification

Certificates for food safety do not expire in Alberta, unlike other provinces in Canada. The law, however, requires that all food service workers holding credentials in food safety/sanitation get updated training every five years. If you feel like you need updates sooner, you may do so. Credentials you receive from us at Lethbridge First Aid are valid all over the province of Alberta.

Getting started: Food establishments

While your local health officers encourage food safety training for all food service workers in all food establishments, there are establishments that are not governed by the public health act. These places include:

  • B&Bs (bed and breakfasts)
  • Food stalls that are temporary
  • Stalls in farmers’ markets
  • Care facilities with less than 10 clients (day cares, nursing  homes, etc.)
  • Establishments that do not do any food preparation, only selling pre-packaged food in their original containers

All food establishments need health permits before opening for business. These permits are granted by local health authorities. It was previously mentioned that the law does not require all food service workers to get trained, but a health inspector can refuse to give a permit unless their requests are met – these can request more employees to get trained beyond the specifications of the public health act. This is typically seen in establishments that are high-risk for food contamination.

Look for certification in food safety? Sign up at Lethbridge First Aid today.

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