Food Safety Canada Facts: Common Causes of Food-borne Illnesses

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One of the focal points in food safety Canada is the different bacterial strains and pathogens that may cause food-borne illnesses. This is because food-borne illnesses affect more than 4 million Canadians each year which makes it one of the most common causes of hospitalization in the country. Here are some of the most common causes of food-borne illnesses that are further discussed in classes about food safety in Canada.

Clostridium botulinum and Shigella

This strain is commonly found in inappropriately-packed or prepared canned goods and smoked fishes that are inappropriately cooked. Shigella is also mostly acquired by eating canned goods and food that are inappropriately packed.

Campylobacter jejuni, Cyclospora, Escherichia coli, Hepatitis viruses and Salmonella

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One of the most common causes of Campylobacter jejuni infection is eating raw food, especially those that are not stored properly. Escherichia coli is a type of bacterial strain that can also be acquired by drinking untreated water and unpasteurized beverages aside from eating undercooked or raw meat such as ground beef. Cyclospora on the other hand, can be acquired by drinking untreated water and eating contaminated food. Hepatitis viruses are mostly contracted by drinking untreated water and eating raw or undercooked food. Perhaps one of the most popular bacterial strains that can be found in raw food such as vegetables and fruits as well as meat is Salmonella primarily because it affects million of Canadians each year.

Cronobacter, Listeria and Vibrio

Unlike the other pathogens, this bacterial strain is found in the environment and is commonly transferred onto food due to inappropriate preparation. One of the most common sources of this type of bacteria is formula milk for babies as well as powdered milk preparations for adults. Listeria also thrives in environmental resources such as soil which means that this strain is normally found in crops. Vibrio is mostly found in untreated or natural water sources. This is why a Vibrio infection is mostly acquired by eating fishes and other marine species that are caught from contaminated waters.

By learning about food safety in Canada, people will learn more about these bacterial strains and how the infection can be contained and managed with minimal to no casualties. This will help lessen the number of Canadians who suffer from food-borne illnesses each year. This will make it easier for many to avoid paying for unnecessary hospital bills that can be caused by being confined due to food-borne illnesses and complications.

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